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eBay Poland Website “eBay.pl” in English! Best Equivalent Polish Site

Shopping on the Polish eBay is convenient for finding items located in Poland and globally with shipping to Poland. Now in 2025, available in English.

Click here for eBay site in Poland in English

eBay Poland

The site eBay.pl is aimed at Polish users only. Those who need an English interface for shopping in the country, use — the international version of eBay.

Nearly all Polish sellers on eBay.pl are available on both site versions! So without further ado, here’s my guide on shopping, and auctioning in Poland;

How eBay works in Poland

If you simply want to use the global marketplace, to search for items anywhere in the world with support for shipping to Poland. Just use the global eBay, which automatically detects your location and even calculates sending costs.

However, there are methods for a more localized experience;

Shopping from eBay sellers in Poland;

For the cheapest, and fastest shipping. You might want to check if the product you are looking for is available directly in Poland;

Step 1. Open this link for English eBay in Poland

Step 2. At the top, look for the “Advanced” link next to Search button.

Step 3. Scroll down on that page until the “Location” options.

Step 4. Choose “Poland” from the list of countries.

Now all your searched are narrowed down to Polish sellers.

Shopping from eBay sellers in Europe;

You can find more extensive range, and competitive pricing from Europe. Especially since goods from the EU are exempt from customs duties;

Step 1. Open this link for English eBay in Poland

Step 2. First do your search as you usually would.

Step 3. Towards the bottom left of the window, you’ll find a quick selection menu for your shopping region. Select Europe and you are good to go.

Selling to Polish buyers through eBay;

Undoubtedly, eBay is the best way to sell and auction items in English to Polish consumers. Check out the Global Shipping Program for more.

Basically you can be located anywhere in the world, and have a huge global seller market in your hands, taking your business to Poland, Europe and beyond.

Including access to the eBay.pl equivalent site.

eBay Poland in English & Polish Equivalent

There are two main version of the website, mainly in use by eBay users that are located in Poland or shopping to Poland from elsewhere;

The native Polish version at eBay.pl, which is mostly the same as the main site, except that the language of the website is in Polish only. It’s the best equivalent.

The global version of eBay at eBay.com, which is in English only and servers all the features you would have on the Polish equivalent.

However eBay is not as popular in Poland as local sites. The eBay.pl website gets about 4 million visits each month, mostly from people in Poland. On the other hand, Allegro, a Polish online marketplace started in 1999, is the leading e-commerce site in the country.

While eBay.pl would offer you Polish shipping and calculate sending accordingly as default, on eBay.com it will detect your location based on the IP address of your internet connection. However, you can also change the location later to Poland even if you are located outside of the country or elsewhere in Europe.

And that’s the end of my quick guide on Polish online shopping.

I welcome questions and comments on eBay in Poland.
And let me know what you consider the best equivalent or similar site.

To all my readers, thanks for popping by and your potentially voluntary support by clicking on any of the affiliate links, scattered around the blog. Your visit means a lot to me. My biggest, most sincere thank you! David.

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