Instagram Support: Better Way to Contact Instagram for Real Help

Instagram may be the way to “capture and share the world’s moment” but it has failed to capture the ability to help it’s users with quality customer care.

Unless it’s an issue that’s already covered by their “help center”, I’ve found it very hard to email or contact a real human being on the other end.

In this post I’ll explain how to get in touch with real Instagram support.

Hope this helps others as much as it has helped others.

Instagram Customer Support

How to get better Instagram Support?

They are a big company, optimizing profits and that includes the way they handle support by mainly dealing with common issues that people have.

This can be completely useless if you need personalized support.

I’ve found out that you can actually reach a real human being and an expert on all Instagram issues by skipping their mediocre “help center” all together.

You can “go to this link” to ask your question through Justanswer.

No significant waiting times and a person who looks at your specific issue, giving solutions to it without capped answers or placing you in to a ‘optimized support funnel’.

It’s like a breath of fresh air really and an instant help with your frustration.

Note that if you are having some super common and minor problem, you may try to find answers from the official Instagram help center route. But if your issue allows to contact them, don’t expect an answer anytime soon.

What’s the issue with Instagram customer care?

To elaborate on the issues with Instagram’s support, it’s actually common practice for many social networks and big companies with huge user numbers.

But Instagram takes the longest straw with the way they have “optimized” their profits and the way that they give and do not give out support for their “free” users.

Fact is that they are making a huge amount of money out of their users and could be able to provide better, more humanlike and non-robotic support if they wanted to.

But it’s about profit and while you’ll likely have a good experience until something goes wrong, they seem to be big enough to leave out those that are really in need of help.

While other platforms make it just difficult to find the button for filling out an email, Instagram only allows sending of messages at their Help Center for specific problems. Ones that they deem justified for contacting support in person, and even them response times are not that great and answers are mostly capped in my experience so far.

So instead of being able to contact mediocre support, some are left with the option of no support at all. Expect for the best customer care alternative outline above.

I’d love to hear your experience with Instagram Support?
Please, share us your thoughts below.

Best of luck getting help or just ask me if nothing else works, David.

For your information! Some of the links in these posts on the blog are affiliate links which may convert to monetary benefit for the author.

43 thoughts on “Instagram Support: Better Way to Contact Instagram for Real Help”

    • Seems they have their own way of doing things, not even giving out support on Twitter like competing social media platforms are doing.

      • Hi David, is it possible to get my account back if it was permanently deleted by Instagram? I was hacked and Instagram is not responding

        • there not gonna respond to you they font care about there coutomures unless they make them money they will just block your email.

    • That’s exactly right. It wasn’t so bad before but seems now they only bother to respond to questions they feel the need to.

      No general support what so ever.

  1. I can’t login to my instagram account. Everytime I try to login, I enter the password (this works.) However, then as it proceeds to load, a screen pops up in the app, asking me to verify my phone number. After entering my phone number and pressing the button to send an SMS verification, I don’t get an SMS or anything. I’ve tried multiple phone numbers, but I never can receive a verification code, making it impossible to access the app when logged in. Same thing happens when I log in on my computer. Instagram won’t let me verify through email, either. I cannot navigate anywhere in the app, as the ‘Verify your phone number’ screen pops up every second, even after I close it. This is extremely troubling as this account is very important to me. Please help!

    • Sorry to hear about this! Did you ever solve the problem? Perhaps your solution could help others? Did you contact JA? What did they say? etc.

    • Hello Ember, I have the same problem except I do get the code and then they say that they will check my account in 24h and then they deleted it and said I have done something against their community guidelines but they don’t specify
      I then went ahead and created a new account and 2 weeks later same thing
      I am just afraid someone is reporting me or something because I’m not doing anything wrong on the app I just want to have an Instagram

  2. I tried to access my insagram account it said i violated community guidelines and it was deleted for some reason. i tried to contact Instagram via email and they said the email is no longer available. they do not answer by phone. WHAT DO I DO???!!!

  3. Hello
    I am an Iranian
    In our country, many accounts are deactivated
    I wanted to know if there is a trick to get a quick answer
    Because the email containing the code is sent to us but they do not respond when we send them our photo. And we wait for 7 days for each request, but it is useless. I heard at once that Instagram support starts working at different hours and sending the form can have an effect at that time. Please explain to me if you know a solution.

  4. Hello … Actually my instagram account didn’t get the latest messages update i have done everything and I’m using the latest version so now what can i do how i can get this update my account is @usmandogar_

  5. Hi dear,
    My account was hacked.The hacker changed my email, phone number, and password. Also, he set a two factor authentication on my account! I could return my email and change my password quickly. But I could not pass from two factor authentication. I requested a support from Instagram. Instagram sent a recovery code to my email.
    Although I have the password and recovery code, I can not log in to my account from any devices (app. and web browser).
    I informed Instagram about this. They told me that would fix this problem. But I still can’t log in to my account and I get the same error message (“sorry, there was a problem with your request”).
    I think that a robot answer to me, because a same answer is repeat to my support request!
    Please help me…
    I have not been able to access my account for 14 days!

    • Hi Mary,
      I’m having this exact same problem now however Instagram won’t give me any recovery code and just keep sending me the same loop of emails with a log in link that brings me back to the two factor authentication which I don’t have. Just wondering if this was ever sorted for you? I feel at a complete loss with Instagram support.

      • Hi Chloe
        Same problem happened with me can you please tell me was your problem solved and if yes then how please reply even if uh don’t so that i could find other options I’m literally devastated now

  6. Can someone help me Insta made me do the robot test then code to my number both of which was no problem but then they said after 24h they’ll decide if they want to give me my account and they didn’t.

    I then created a new one and 2 weeks later the same thing happened and I’m not doing anything wrong on the app. I’m just afraid that if I do make a new account again it will be taken down.

    I just want my old account back because all my memories – pictures and contacts are there…

    Please give me advice I don’t know what to do anymore

  7. Hi my Instagram account is temporarily disabled.i don’t know how or why?
    It asked me to confirm my mobile number and if they can confirm it, I can request a review in help center. It is showing me a screen saying this

    Please help me, is there a way to restore my account?

  8. Absolutely terrible company the instagram / Facebook is.
    How the hell you allow people to create instagram account without asking for email id verification?
    This way anyone can use one’s email id without authorisation.

    • I would very much appreciate it if you could help me recover my Instagram account back. I do not have access to the email address and phone number that was used in the account due to the reason that it was made a long time ago. I would really like to have access to it again so please help me get it back.

  9. So someone tried to gain access to my Instagram account, and I believe Instagram had disabled my entire account. Can I get it back? And how long will be if so? Someone help 🙁

  10. My instagram account was hacked on Saturday August 14th. The hackers changed the username, phone number, email address and passcode. I wrote to about helping me recover my account but to no avail. And these hackers are destroying my reputation sending my contacts information about a fraudulent business scheme known as bit coins. My friends have reported the page many times but the account is still up and making me sick to my stomach! Please I’m not from the U.S. I live in Central America and I don’t have credit cards to pay for any service which can help me recover the account! Please can someone help me?

  11. My IG account has been hacked, I don’t even want the account back as I was gonna quit all I want is my dp & name removed. Somebody please help.

  12. I’ve been locked out of my Instagram account due to age restriction, I’m not under 13 and I’ve had my account for over 10 years, I think I may have entered the wrong year for my birthday. I’ve appealed for days and nothing. I have zero access to my account and if nothing else, I just want to download my data from the app.

  13. Hello,

    I’m Yomi Africa,
    My Instagram account us @yomiafrica

    I suddenly realised my account was pull down for no reason.
    My page is dedicated to promoting African contents such as African music, Art and Culture.

    I wouldn’t know what went wrong and I feel I deserve some explanations and restoration of my account as soon as possible.



  14. My account was hacked.
    The hacker changed my email, phone number, and password. Also, they set a two factor authentication on my account! My email seems to still be connected in some way to my account as I have been in contact with Instagram support through it but I cannot pass from two factor authentication. I requested support from Instagram but I am stuck on an endless loop of emails asking me to verify my identity and when I do I get this same email saying I was successfully verified and to follow a link to change my password. However in order to change my password I have to give my two factor authentication code which I do not have!! It’s so frustrating as this is my small business account and I feel completely lost.
    Also I used to have my Instagram and Facebook business account linked, this link seems to have dropped since the hack however I received an email from Facebook then saying it is now restricted because of inauthentic behavior or violations of our Advertising Policies or Community Guidelines.
    Please help!

  15. my instagram account has been hacked and password and email adreess including phone number has been changed
    how do i get back my insta account back
    is there any chance??

  16. My Instagram was hacked last week and my facial recognition had been denied 30 times.i I tried e mailing security no good, I also attached photo I’d of myself holding the cards etc but nothing. I rang them but just voice note, no customer care. I even most 100 quid to an online fraudster who was never going to help, just kept asking for more money. More fool me. Anyway I’m desperate and mad at Instagram, beyond bad when all I want is to log back into my account. That’s all, any nugget of help would be a godsend thank you

  17. Hi I’m exactly in the same boat. My insta was hacked by a bitcoin spammer for nearly two weeks now. Instagram support is useless, my facial recognition has been refused 30 times. I ha e we mailed security it no longer exists, I’ve attached selfies with my id-no response, I’ve rung them- nothing, I’ve tweeted them -nothing. Is there any hope for me just to log into my account frustrating f, any help appreciated,

  18. Hi!

    I am trying to take down an old account to which I have no access anymore (nor to the e-mail I used to make it and I also have new phone nr). I have tried to reach instagram for months, but without any success. Can anyone help me out?

    • Sorry to hear about your troubles. Taking your account down after it’s no longer needed is indeed a wise choice in my opinion.

      Unfortunately I can only share my sympathy in regards to your unsuccessful attempts to get in touch with Instagram directly. As I’ve mentioned in this post, it’s getting increasingly difficult to contact any helpful human beings. So as far as I know your best option is to try and contact above Instagram experts to see if they have a solution for you. Best of luck Jeffrey.


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