Here is the list of currently available Windscribe VPN country locations and servers around the world in 2025. Both for free users and pro subscribers.
Or are you looking for the official list?
Click here for VPN countries on the website.
Windscribe VPN Free Countries
These country locations are available on the free Windscribe VPN plan for all users, available as a free download for various platforms and browsers.
United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway and Romania (11 servers in total).
Windscribe VPN Pro Countries
Here is the complete, sorted list of server locations available to monthly, and yearly subscribers of the pro version of Windscribe VPN.
North American VPN Locations;
- United States
- Canada
- Mexico
South American VPN Locations;
- Brazil
- Argentina
European VPN Locations;
- United Kingdom
- France
- Germany
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- Norway
- Romania
- Italy
- Spain
- Sweden
- Ireland
- Denmark
- Poland
- Austria
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
- Finland
- Bulgaria
- Belgium
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Portugal
- Moldova
- Greece
- Iceland
- Ukraine
- Russia
- Turkey
Asia-Pacific VPN Locations;
- Hong Kong
- India
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Japan
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Malaysia
- Vietnam
- Thailand
- Indonesia
Other VPN Locations;
- South Africa
- Azerbaijan
- Israel
- Libya
Total of 50 countries, and Windscribe server locations.
Click here to compare free and pro versions.
Any questions about Windscribe VPN are welcome below!
This list should be valid for March, 2025.
Just to let you know; some of the hyperlinks may be affiliated with the companies they are linking to. This supports my work financially and promotes mutual benefit. Thank you so much for your visit and please share on social media! Tim.
I can not download country list